Where do I look for my security?

Went to Calvary Chapel Montebello, CA today with my sister.

What a blessing to visit with Pastor Pancho Juarez for a few minutes. How he needs encouraging. The Lord is taking him through a dark season. I know the Lord is using this time in life for His glory and for Pastor Pancho's relationship with Him, a closer, more intimate walk with Jesus. For nothing is wasted with the Lord. I'm thankful to My Father that He allowed me to speak words of encouragment to Pastor Pancho.

I shared with Pancho my summer of being able to lead a women's study. I wanted him to know how the Lord used his teachings to help convey the subject of contentment and Jesus to my small group. I also shared HOW God spoke to me, His sense of humor as I experienced some strange and terrific things in my life and how the Lord used them to speak Truth into my life. How my love for not only reading the Word has grown, but now my love of studying the Word has begun. I loved Pancho's reaction to that last statement; a wink and smile, as if to say, "Yeah, you got it! You go girl!"

But as Pastor Pancho says, he stumbles, he falls, he loses focus, his heart is dark.

And so the great struggle. I work out my salvation with fear and trembling.

I've had some moments recently that have shown me that my focus has being imbalanced. And so He humbled me today. How lovingly the Lord reels me in. My focus is back on track. My eyes are fixed on the Author and the Perfecter of my faith.

No matter what...

I serve a Lord who is with me

He will not forsake me.

When I am having those weak moments of trusting in my flesh, the Lord is near whispering into the depths of soul, "Lean not on your own understanding, Loretta, but trust in Me."

Praise the Lord, for He is so faithful.
Praise the Lord, for nothing is too great for Him!

"He is our comfort, our sustainer.
He is our help in time of need
When we wander, He is our Shepherd
He who watches over us never sleeps

Take heart my friend, the Lord is with us
As He has been all the days of our lives
Our assurance every morning
Our defender in the night"
"Take Heart, My Friend"
Fernando Ortega


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